Why choose Animals on Mars as an online team building activity?
This online team building is often used to analyse the operation of a team. The results are reviewed after each series. Which team has the best strategy? Who cuts most costs? Moreover, the reflection after the last round provides useful insights into the dynamics among colleagues.
Agile working is also guaranteed. Animals on Mars is played over six missions and it’s possible to switch roles per team. This not only results in variation, but also ensures that each team member comes into contact with the different tasks of the mission. This keeps the team agile and means the leadership changes. Who is more suited as captain and who is the better engineer?
Did you know....
Like At the Races, this team building activity can also be booked during a real time event. Using their own smartphone, participants go to work in different teams to strategically send as many animals to Mars as possible. Everyone can follow the intermediate rankings and results live. Very immersive and incredibly instructive!