- Managing Change, Sharpening Communication, Working together towards a common goal, Message Creator -

Chain Reaction

Duration icon

0.5 - 2 Hours

Icon participants

10 - 2000

In the Chain Reaction team building activity, the entire group works towards a common goal: building the longest and most creative chain reaction. Because the emphasis is on achieving one common goal for the whole group, Chain Reaction is fundamentally different from competitive team building activities. Chain Reaction is all about collaboration and consultation…. and FUN!

Moodmaker provides the most diverse materials, including special catapults, compressed air systems, 12-volt systems, etc. Very challenging! Everyone can get to work and help in their way.

Why choose Chain Reaction as team building activity?

Companies that choose Chain Reaction are usually looking for an activity that reflects the need of modern teams to be responsive and solution-driven.

Chain Reaction creates a collaborative environment that focuses on setting priorities, resource management and the importance of team alignment. It can also be organised as an agile team building activity with a debriefing at the end on the collaboration within your teams.

Did you know....

In 2016, Moodmaker was the first Belgian agency to launch the Chain Reaction team building activity. We set the bar high from the start and expanded Chain Reaction with compressed air systems, 12-volt systems and numerous custom-made devices. This allows non-technically skilled people to make extraordinary creations as well and technical profiles to push out the boat and test Chain Reaction to its limits.

We continue to expand Chain Reaction with numerous new elements and challenges and can accommodate groups of up to 2,000 people.

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