- Healthy competition -

Online Team Building – The Pioneers

Duration icon

0.5 - 1 Hours

Icon participants

10 - 2000

The Pioneers is set in a world of space travel and astronauts. Each participant of a team is in the same 3D space, where all the information is available. However, they have to work together to find the right answer to the key question.

In what way do the participants gather the right information? Who does what? How efficient is this cooperation? And how do team members deal with deadlines?

An online team building with that tad more: innovative, exciting and above all super fun!

Why choose Pioneers as an online team building activity?

The Pioneers usually lasts about 30 minutes and is therefore often combined with Mission to Mars. This gives you a combined online team building activity of 1 to 1.5 hours in total. It’s also an ideal way to get to know various game mechanics!

Companies looking for the ultimate tool to measure and evaluate the effect of collaboration and problem-solving during a virtual game will love these two games!

Did you know....

The online platform on which Codecrackers (like other virtual team building activities) runs was developed by a network of European team building agencies.

Moodmaker is also a driving force of this platform. This means we don’t depend on external developers to modify or add new features to the platform and allows us to meet the needs and wishes of our clients even better.

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